Plotting technique

Wax plot parts - the most filigree models thanks to the finest nozzles

Plotting machines apply tiny wax dots drop by drop with the finest nozzles. A supporting wax is built around the models (red in the illustration) to be able to produce the most filigree models and undercuts too. This provides the components with the necessary stability on the machine platforms. The supporting wax also offers the unique advantage that it can be easily removed in a heated dip. No visible traces are left behind on the plot and maximum shape accuracy is guaranteed as a result. In addition to the wax nozzle, the plotting machine also has a milling drum, which provides horizontal finishing after each applied wax layer. The conscientious checking of the plotter result is ultimately also a guarantee for a good casting result.

Stereolithography -
laser cures plastic

Stereolithography systems cure liquid plastic particles dissolved in a dip using laser. However, the components cannot be manufactured to float freely and require so-called supports to hold them. In addition to a central strut, further supports are usually required to secure "overhangs". However, the use of supports requires that the corresponding component also has sufficiently smooth surfaces from which the auxiliary struts can later be removed and ground. Additional exposure after construction allows for more post-curing of the stereolithography, depending on the process. To improve the suitability of stereolithographs for casting, plastic mixtures can be used with wax additives, but a certain amount of plastic is always required to enable work with the laser. The best results are achieved with plastics for direct impressions in silicone, where very smooth surfaces make a positive impression.